The Relationship Choice

The Relationship Choice

We learned about The Relationship Choice last week in church: 

I will evaluate all my relationships; offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me; and make amends for harm I’ve done to others (except when to do so would harm them or others).”

How forgiving should we be? Jesus told Peter the story of a man who owed his king a large sum of money. When the man was unable to pay, the king ordered that he be sold along with his family and possessions. The man begged the king to be patient and promised to pay it all. The king was moved with compassion and forgave the man’s debt. This same man later went to a fellow servant who owed him a small amount compared to what the man had owed the king. He grabbed him by the throat, demanding instant payment. This servant begged for mercy, but the man had him arrested until he could pay. Upon learning this, the king was enraged. He berated the man, telling him that he should have forgiven the small debt of his fellow servant just as the king forgave the large debt of the man. He then imprisoned the man until he could pay his debt. Jesus said:

“This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart” Matthew 18:35

This may sound harsh, however, not forgiving others in our hearts hinders our relationship with God and with others.

There are three things we should do when we pray this week:

  1. Reveal the Hurt
  2. Release the Offender
  3. Replace our hurt with God’s Peace

This week, we should focus on specific areas in our lives where we need to forgive. Focus on the 3 R’s: Reveal, Release and Replace. As you pray, reveal the area in need of forgiveness, release the offending person, and then replace your hurt with God’s peace. May God grant us victory in this endeavor!



It is important to forgive, not just to release the debts of those who offend us, but also to free ourselves from the burden we carry by not forgiving. There is a true freedom that comes from forgiving. Yet, there are situations and circumstances that we fail to forgive others and even ourselves for. These past situations create strongholds because we carry burdens due to things we have not forgiven ourselves or others for. We should take time this Monday to make a mental list of those things, and take time to pray and forgive. 



There are often financial mistakes we have made in the past that we are still paying for. Ask God to forgive these mistakes and guide you to the correct actions to restore your finances.



There may be members of our families that we have not forgiven. Take time to pray for them, release them of their debts, and reach out to them if possible.



Pray for our Church and its congregants, asking God to bring forgiveness and healing to the Church family. Let us pray that these messages will bear fruit in our lives.



Our leaders aren’t perfect; they make mistakes. Too often, we allow these mistakes to create roots of bitterness and disillusionment in us. Pray for our leaders within the Church, government, and work. Ask that God would forgive them and guide them moving forward.



Forgive those co-workers and/or classmates that hurt you. This isn’t just about forgiving them, but also about allowing your example to serve as a light, such that you can guide them to seek God. You cannot do this if you hold resentment toward them in your heart. Ask God to take away that resentment.


Lost Souls

Pray for the salvation of the lost souls that surround us. Ask God that you would serve as a vessel to bring salvation, forgiveness, and healing to their souls.

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