Peace Beyond All Understanding

Peace Beyond All Understanding

In the first chapter of the book of James, we see that we should consider it joyful when we go through trials (storms in life). It should not surprise us when there are difficulties, tough times, and obstacles in life. There are storms of correction that God can send to get us back on track (like Jonah). These are God-ordained storms, but what about the storms we create? How often do we create storms with our words?

We can also create storms in our minds, with our thoughts that can affect us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In fact, most of the storms we go through can be very well our own creation and stem from our lack of trust in God. How can we have peace amid a storm? Believe God will do as He said He would and will take us to the other side.

MONDAY | Personal

Take time to meditate on how many storms (trials) we can create on our own versus how many are really ordained by God. Ask God to help you identify where they come from and to guide you through them.

TUESDAY | Finances

Let’s continue to pray for our finances. There are financial storms that we create by spending more than we make. Pray for God’s direction in using finances His way. Also, pray for opportunities to give to the kingdom of God.


There are relationship storms we created that we can stop. Ask God for wisdom to bring peace to those family relationships that are dark and turbulent.


As a Church, we pray for one another, especially for the Churches and families in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Texas, and the Florida Keys. As we organize and collect supplies, let’s pray for opportunities to help our brethren in the Lord.

FRIDAY | Leaders

We continue praying for our pastors, community group leaders and heads of departments. Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon them for every decision they make.

SATURDAY | Co-workers/Classmates

Pray for people you know who were affected by the storms and reach out to help them. Ask God to show you ways that you can help those in need.

SUNDAY | Lost Souls

Finally, pray for the people we are inviting to Church on Sunday. Pray that God will open their mind and hearts to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

After The Storm, Part 3

After The Storm, Part 3

Everyone has experienced storms in their lives at one time or another, and each person can have a different perspective of the same storm. Just knowing that a storm is coming can provoke an array of emotions, fear usually being the most prevalent. Fear cancels our faith. It leads to bad reports as we saw this past week, with the 10 spies who gave a bad report about the land to Moses.

Here are some thoughts we can meditate on and pray about this week:

  1. There is no denying that storms happen in our lives. How we view them, in other words our perspective, will determine our future.
  2. Our perspective must be built on God’s word and His promises for our lives.
  3. Even in the storm, His goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life!



Take time to pray and meditate on how you perceive storms. What is your perspective and does it line up with God’s perspective?



Let’s continue to pray for our finances. Praying God will continue to provide us opportunities to give to His kingdom. Praying for opportunities to give to those in need, more specifically for the families in the countries recently affected by storms.



Continue to pray for the families affected by Hurricane Maria.



As a Church, we pray for one another, especially the Churches and families in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Texas, and the Florida Keys. As we organize and collect supplies, let us pray for opportunities to help our brethren in the Lord.



We continue praying for the leaders in our city, state, and country so that God will continue to direct them in helping those affected by the storm.



Pray for anyone you know who was affected by the storm and reach out to help them. Ask God to show you ways that you can help those in need.


Lost Souls

Finally, continue to pray for opportunities to assist those in need after the storm, more specifically as believers reaching out to those who do not know Christ.

After the Storm, Part 2

After the Storm, Part 2

Recently, we’ve experienced physical storms and their corresponding difficulties. These have taken place in Puerto Rico, Texas, the Florida Keys, and Mexico (earthquakes in this case). In the Bible, storms are not met to be a source of destruction but of correction and teaching. Jonah heard the command of God and went in a different direction, but God used a storm and a “Big Fish” to get him back on course. I believe God does the same with us. He allows us to go through very difficult situations to get us back on track. The question should never be: “God why are you allowing this storm in my life?” It should be “God what are you trying to teach me in the midst of this storm?”

Peter and the disciples learned more about Jesus in a storm than what His words could ever teach.

There are four points we can learn from this story, which is found in Matthew 14:

  1. The storms are not an indication of God’s absence; they are an indication that God is actively building our faith.
  2. Mature faith is the result of experiencing the storms of life.
  3. You will never mature in your faith until the price you pay for preserving your life is higher than the price you pay for surrendering your life.
  4. You will never truly worship Jesus until the testing of your faith leads you to recognize who He truly is. 



Knowing that God works during the storm, we need to pray and heed the words of scripture. The wise man built his house on the rock so that when the storms came, his house would remain. The wise man hears the word of God and puts them into practice. Pray that we can put God’s word into practice.



Ask God to help you to get through any financial storm. Are you obeying God regarding finances? Pray for wisdom in this area.



There are storms your family is going through at this very moment. Intercede for them, not just for God to deliver them, but so that God will teach them to find Him in the storm.



As a Church, we pray for one another, especially the Churches and families in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Texas, and the Florida Keys. As we organize and collect supplies, let’s pray for opportunities to help our brethren in the Lord.



Pray for the leader of our country and all the countries affected by these devastating storms and earthquakes. Pray that God gives our leaders wisdom to deal with this very difficult situation.



Pray for the people you know who were affected by the storm and reach out to help them. Ask God to show you ways that you can help those in need.


Lost Souls

We continue to pray for opportunities to assist those in need after the storm. We pray both for the opportunity to help with their physical needs and to help as believers reaching out to those who do not know Christ.