An Invitation

An Invitation

The series ended this week but many found a starting point. There are different starting points for everyone in their walk. For some, it is a reset to their faith and for others, it is a beginning of their walk with Him. Where are you in your walk with Jesus? There are many who have a calling to serve the Lord in a full-time basis. There are some who will serve on Sundays in one or more of the various ministries. Regardless, there is something He has for you.

Jesus gave the invitation to His disciples, “Go and make disciples of all nations” and today we have accepted this invitation. As a result, we belong to the Church or the ecclesia -the gathering of believers, and His desire is that we go and invite others to be a part of this assembly. He has given us the authority, His Spirit, and the message about the greatest event ever in the world -the resurrection of Jesus Christ. To all those who will place their trust in Him, they will have eternal life.

What is my next step? Pray and God will lead you.


Based on the series, what is the next step for me? What is God leading me to do as a part of His Church. This is my prayer.


We continue to pray for our finances that God will continue to provide for His Church.


We continue to pray for our families that God will use us bring those that don’t know Him in to His kingdom.


We continue to pray for the Church building construction. We pray the plans will be accelerated. We pray for no hindrances to the workers, permits, and construction.


Continue to pray for our leaders, more specifically in our country: president, senators, and governors?


Continue to ask God to help with our co-workers and/or classmates to know who Jesus is.

Lost Souls
Let’s continue interceding on behalf of the persons that they may know Jesus.

The Gift of Grace

The Gift of Grace

“There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less.”

– Phillip Yancey

I remember when I was growing up, my dad would say: “get a good education and you’ll get a good job.” He ingrained in me the desire to become better and be excellent at whatever I did. The idea was that life rewards your performance. This, of course, has the potential shape our assumptions about God. If I’m good, then God will reward me. However, if I’m bad, then God is going to punish me. We have a tendency of treating our relationship with God as a worker treats a job.

The truth is, God does not look at what we have or haven’t done; He looks upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. It’s all grace. We don’t deserve it, but He gave us salvation freely because He wanted to. Many times, we bargain with God, believing we have something God needs. It does not work with God. Our attitude should be to have an overflow of gratitude for how God behaved toward us through Christ. We are to do for others what God in Christ has already done for us.

Simply stated:

“We love because he first loved us.” I John 4:19



Each day is a reminder to thank God for His amazing grace. His grace reminds us that we are forgiven. God forgives us for our past, present, and future sins. I remind myself in prayer that there is nothing I can do to earn God’s love. My performance is not a negotiation tool. God loves me.



God has blessed our lives. Let’s continue to pray that we can give back to the kingdom of God.



Let’s pray for God to show grace in the lives of our family members, especially those in need. We should reach out to them in action as well as prayer, asking God for guidance on what to do for them.



Today, let’s pray that the members of our Church exhibit grace toward one another. Let’s ask God that they be loving, kind, merciful, and generous, such that they may serve one another.



We should continue praying for our Church leaders, asking God that they may pour out grace in word and in deed.



Pray for God to show grace to our co-workers and/or classmates. Ask God that we may be a “light” from Christ in their lives.


Lost Souls

Finally, our prayer focus for today is that we may show grace to the people all around us who are not saved. Continue praying that more people will be added to our Church family this Sunday.

Forgiveness: The Solution to Our Sin

Forgiveness: The Solution to Our Sin

Most people have an area in their past that they would like to forget or do over. Everyone has made bad decisions that they later reflect on and laugh, but the truth is, there are memories that we are not proud of and can lead to regret and shame. We have different mechanisms of coping with our past failures. We may even call them mistakes from our past, but the truth is they are sins. The question is: what can wash away our sins?

We found out that we can’t undo our sins, but there is one person who stepped forward and became our solution. His name is Jesus. He is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. Based on His sacrificial act on the cross and the shedding of His blood, we have the forgiveness of our sins. This means we don’t have to seek forgiveness elsewhere; we have already been forgiven. God cancels our sin debt from the moment we place our faith in Christ. We don’t owe God and we don’t owe ourselves. We thank God for His provision for our sins through Jesus Christ.



Every day is a good day to remember what Jesus did on the cross for us. Perhaps there are areas where we need to ask God or another person for forgiveness. Please understand: forgiveness is available because He made it all possible. We are forgiven via God’s grace toward us.



Let us continue to pray that God would give us the wisdom to use our finances in a Godly manner- that is, to be good stewards of our possessions.



Pray that God would use you to be an influence in the lives of your unsaved relatives.



Today, let us pray for our brethren on the mission’s trip in Guatemala. Please intercede such that God’s protection, wisdom, provision, and power would be over them. They are representing our Lord and our Church.




Continue to pray for our Church leaders, such that they will continue to be a great spiritual influence over the people in our congregation.



Also, let us pray for our coworkers and/or classmates. We should ask God to use us in order to demonstrate His love toward them.


Lost Souls 

Finally, continue interceding on behalf of the people around us that need salvation. Make intercession for this coming Sunday, such that more people will be added to our Church family.

The Rules

The Rules

We learned this week that relationship precedes the rules in a family. In other words, children are a parent’s even if there aren’t any rules. Another model is based on a set of rules and a relationship that is established by a willingness to agree or adopt those rules. We found out that God established rules for his children, but before He announced them, He declared his relationship with His people.

“And God spoke all these words: ‘I am the Lord your God.’ “-Exodus 20:1-2.

From the very beginning, God adopted the family model. The people of Israel were His children and He was their Father. Later God, our Father, would establish His relationship with us through His Son Jesus Christ:

“Yet to all who receive him, to those who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God.” – John 1:12.

It is good to know that we are His children, not based on our merits or following any given set of rules, but based on our complete trust in the work of His Son Jesus Christ and in Him as our Father. For as any good father, He desires the best for His children.



As we pray, let us meditate on the fact that our relationship with God is not based on what we did or did not do. It is based on the fact that we trusted Jesus to be our Lord and Savior and have entered the family of God. Let us pray that we develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with our heavenly Father.



Let us continue to pray that God would impart wisdom upon us, such that we will use our finances in a Godly manner and be good stewards of our possessions.



Today’s prayer focus is our immediate family: our parents, siblings, and children. May God continue to bless them spiritually, emotionally, and physically.



Another important area to pray for is the unity of our Church family. We all have the same Father in Heaven who delights in our unity. Let us pray that the different ministries and their leaders may all work as one to do the Lord’s Will.



Leaders are another key aspect of our Church that we should be praying for. In particular, we should pray for our Pastor, Bobby Cruz Jr. as he leads us in our mission: Leading others in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.



As part of leading others in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, let us continue to pray for and be an example to our coworkers and/or classmates.


Lost Souls 

Finally, let us continue interceding for the people that are all around us and need salvation. Pray that more persons will be added to our Church family this Sunday.