What’s In It For Me?

What’s In It For Me?

 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” – Matthew 16:25

As I reflect on my time with God, I ask the question: what’s in it for me? It speaks to me about my selfish motives. Why do I do what I do? What is my motive for doing so? It’s not a bad thing to want to prosper and be a good administrator of things that benefit us. However, based on the Scripture above, if we focus on what’s in it for ourselves, then, in the end, it won’t work. I can live and work for 40-50 years and put money in the bank, but at the end of my life, I can’t take it with me. In other words, we spend our lives working for things to preserve our lives and in the end, we can’t take them with us.

In James chapter four, he basically says: you fight because of the things or persons who are opposed to what you want in order to preserve your life. We say: “I want Jesus to prosper me. I want Jesus to give me a husband or a wife,” because we feel it will benefit us. We struggle with God and with others because we want to preserve our lives, but Jesus basically says, “if you give up your life for me, I will give you eternal life, but if you try to preserve your life you will lose it.” God is making us an offer: “give up your life for me and I will give you everything you need.”

Why don’t you give your life to Christ? What is it that you are trying to preserve? Eventually, you will lose it. When you give your life to Christ, you have everything to gain.

MONDAY | Personal

Take time to pray and meditate on your motive for doing what you do each day. Are they selfish motives for personal gain only? How can you bring glory to God in your life through your personal, daily activities?

TUESDAY | Finances

Why do we give? Do we give because we expect God to give back to us? What should be the true motive for giving? Pray about it and ask God for guidance.


Let’s continue to pray for our families and for the salvation of those who are not saved.


For what purpose do we attend Church services and groups during the week? What is our true motive? This is a good time to reflect and pray about this.

FRIDAY | Leaders

We continue praying for our pastors, community group leaders and heads of departments. Pray that God’s wisdom is upon them for every Church decision they make.

SATURDAY | Co-workers/Classmates

Pray for the people you know, such that you may be an influence in a positive way. Pray that your testimony will be a catalyst for them to accept Christ.

SUNDAY | Lost Souls

Finally, let’s pray for the persons we are inviting to Church on Sunday. Pray that God will open their minds and hearts to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

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