Deciding With Our Feelings

Deciding With Our Feelings

According to neuroscientists, our feelings decide for us 95% of the time. You feel before you think, you feel before you act, and that’s how you ultimately make decisions- based on how you feel. When we say “feelings” and “emotions,” we understand from the last couple of weeks that we are talking about the heart, not the physical organ, but rather the soul.

Feelings and emotions can be difficult to stop. We all have feelings and we react differently to events in life. This why change is hard!

Logically, we know what we should do, but our feelings about doing it make our decision for us. Your feelings will make the decision before you even realize what happened.

We know the truth from God’s Word, but doing it becomes difficult.

Essentially, we make excuses or literally talk ourselves out of doing what we know is right. How often do we talk ourselves out of doing what God wants us to do? Even with something as simple as going to Church on Sunday or attending a small group during the week? We make excuses, albeit there are some legitimate excuses- but for the most part we talk ourselves out instead of in.

What is God calling you into with regard to His purpose in your life?



Ask God to show you the areas in your life where you have been making excuses. God has called you but you may have been avoiding His call because of fear or lack of confidence.



God is calling us to give. Let’s pray that we do what is right and we give what belongs to Him.



We continue to pray that God’s purpose for the lives of our family members will be fulfilled.



Continue to pray for the Church. We pray for that more souls will be saved and that we will all grow in our relationship with God.



Today, we pray for the leaders of our nation, especially the President of the United States. We also continue to pray for the healing and restoration of Venezuela.



One instance where our feelings can align with God’s calling is when we feel compelled to bring salvation to those around us. Therefore, let us pray for the salvation of our co-workers and/or classmates.


Lost Souls

We continue to believe that God will help us fill the Church with new souls. Let us continue to pray for those lost souls in the city of Doral as we inch closer to having the new Church building.

This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

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