The Sharing Choice

The Sharing Choice

This past Sunday, we learned about The Sharing Choice: recycling” our pain—sharing the testimony God has given us and our giving to others, so they may know the love and grace we have been given.

“God never wastes a hurt.”  All of the struggles we’ve been through and the pain we have suffered can serve as a tool to reach others in similar situations and God wants to use them in that way. His strength is most visible in us when we are weak:

“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might, He increases strength“ Isaiah 40:29 

As we continue on this journey of allowing God to be first in our lives, we will come to see that everything we have is a gift from God. Our faith in Christ is the foundation for our recovery and healing.  Other people will be able to see Him through us as we share how He has worked and is working in our lives.



Over the course of the past 8 weeks, God has worked to heal us from the pain and struggles of our individual lives. Now that we are on the right track, He wants to strengthen us so that we can share with others. Let’s pray that God strengthens and prepares us from within, such that we will be ready. That is, ready to share with people currently going through similar situations, whom God will bring to us so that we can share our testimony.



As part of our growth in Christ, let us continue to ask God to help us grow financially and show our faith by continuing to tithe, as per Malachi 3:10



Let us continue to pray that our testimony will lead our families to embrace the power of God, which transformed us.



Beyond praying for ourselves, let us pray for the others in our church who have also been transformed, such that they will be strengthened and reach more people for Christ.



Pray that God’s power manifests in the lives of our leaders, both in the Church and in the government.



God wants to reach our co-workers and/or classmates. Generally, they are the people we interact most with. Let us pray for God’s power in our lives to be visible to them and that God gives us the opportunity to share our testimonies with them.


Lost Souls

Finally, let us continue praying for God to give us grace in the eyes of the lost souls around us, such that they will become receptive to hearing our testimony and seeking God as we have.

The Nicky Cruz event on May 21st is a powerful tool to reach all of the aforementioned groups for Christ. Ask God to show you who to pray for and invite to Church for the event. We are using Facebook as a tool to reach people for this event. You’ll want to make sure to get your tickets and share the event webpage with your friends on Facebook. Ask those who like your post about the page to share it as well. This will create a huge “net” to bring more people in.

This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

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