Overcoming Discouragement and Negativity

Overcoming Discouragement and Negativity

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

God had given Joshua the command to be strong and courageous as he led the people into the Promised Land. God also told Joshua how to be strong and courageous. He told him to keep the book of the Law (God’s Word) in his mouth and meditate on it day and night. God knew Joshua would have his moments of fear and discouragement and the remedy was to remember His Word and remember that God was with him.

How often do we get negative and discouraged when things don’t’ go the way we want? There are times we fear not having enough or falling short. If we listen to ourselves long enough, we can become very discouraged and anxious. However, if we speak words of encouragement and the Word of God, we can defeat any fear or discouragement.



Ask God to show you the areas of fear and discouragement in your life, especially as it pertains to serving the Lord. Make a commitment to study and meditate on His Word. It will bring you success.



Let us ask God to help us overcome any fears regarding giving to Him. We have doubts and reservations about giving. We often think we won’t have enough afterward. Giving must be done in faith.



We continue to pray that God’s purpose will be fulfilled in the lives of our families.



Today, we pray for the Church. We are praying for the “On your marks, get set, go” activity on September 09. Pray for a huge turnout of persons willing to get started in their service to the Lord.



Pray for the President who is dealing with a divided country and for the safety of the people affected by the Hurricane in Texas.



Often, we spend more time with our co-workers and/or classmates than we do with our own families. We should use this time to be a light for them. Pray for the salvation of your co-workers and/or classmates.


Lost Souls

We continue to believe that God will help us fill the Church with new souls. Let’s pray for the lost souls of the city of Doral as we inch closer to having the new Church building.

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