Every major faith tradition has a story. The 3 largest faith traditions in history share the same starting point. Yes, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all agree that God created humanity in His image and humanity (mankind) messed things up. All three faith traditions use the same man as the starting point: Abraham. God chose one man to basically “clean up” the mess that humanity made.
This man, although imperfect and deeply flawed, chose to believe God despite the impossibility of his situation. He chose to trust God. Abraham believed and this brought him into a right relationship with God. For many of us, it is hard to believe that it can be that simple, but it is. God is not interested in our mistakes nor our sins; God just wants us to trust Him. This is a great week to surrender areas in our lives where we haven’t trusted in Him.
Pray for God to give you the courage to believe and trust Him in those areas that you have not completely surrendered.
We continue to pray that we can surrender our finances to God and trust Him to provide for our needs.
Let us pray for our unsaved family members who struggle to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Today, we pray specifically for the children’s and youth ministries. As most of them are out of school at this time of year, pray that God will protect them this summer.
Continue praying for the leaders within our Church. Focus especially on those that are facilitating groups for the new series: Starting Point.
Persevere in praying for your co-workers and or classmates, asking God that you may serve as a light in their lives; guiding them from darkness to Christ.
Lost Souls
Finally, pray for the lost souls that we meet each day. Ask God to make us bold, so that we may speak to them without fear.