Stepping Out in Faith

Stepping Out in Faith

When I was a child, my dad told me “son, whatever you start finish it. Don’t leave things half-way done. Finish what you start.” Those words continue to reverberate in my heart.

How many of you have ever started something and not finished? It got too hard. It was too much. You didn’t have the time. You didn’t have the will power. Whatever the reason, we all have the experience of starting things with enthusiasm and giving up along the way. We start a diet, an exercise plan, book etc. but we can’t seem to see it through.

In the life of faith, we also have the experience of starting some things and not finishing. In the gospels, we see Peter step out of the boat in faith, but he is somehow overcome by fear and begins to sink. What started with great faith ended in fear. His initial faith was great, but he was not good at sustaining it.

Where did Peter’s initial faith come from? Peter saw the Great “I am” standing on top of everything that terrified him. Peter’s initial faith came from focusing not on what he had to walk through, but on whom he was walking to. Peter figured that it was more important to obey Jesus’ command than to focus on the circumstances. “The Great ‘I am’ is on top of those waves, what He has said is larger than the waves rising up against me.” Peter was not so focused on walking on the water but rather on walking in the character and promises of God. It is when he took his eyes off those two things that he began to sink. Focus on the word and you’ll walk on water. Focus on the waves and you’ll wallow in weakness.

Often, we don’t step out in faith to God’s calling because of fear of failure. There are things I never started because I believed that I would not be able to complete them. If I placed my complete trust (fixed my eyes) on Jesus and His commands, there would be no reservations about starting or stepping out in faith.

I am excited about the new series Starting Point and the impact the series will have on the Church. Don’t miss it! Whether you are new or have been coming to Church for a long time, this series is a great place to start to “step out” in faith.



Let us pray that God will continue to strengthen our faith to “step out” and do what He is calling us to do.



Let us pray that we “step out” in faith and give to the work of the Lord, trusting that God will supply for our every need.



We should pray that God will continue to provide for every need our families have: financial, spiritual, health etc.



Let us pray for the new people added to our Church via the Nicky Cruz event, asking that God uses us to help them in their walk.



Continue to pray for our Church leaders and for the establishment of new leaders.



Let us continue interceding for the salvation of our co-workers and classmates. Pray that they may see the power of God working in our lives.


Lost Souls

Finally, let us pray for the lost souls that we meet each day, asking for continued boldness to speak with them and be a testimony of Jesus Christ.

This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

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