Rise Up Women

Rise Up Women

9 Rise, you women who are at ease, hear my voice; you complacent daughters, give ear to my speech.

– Isaiah 32:9

In this verse, the prophet Isaiah told the women of Israel to rise from a status of complacency to the level of action. Women in the Bible were a vehicle for God to usher change in history. We can see how God used them in their ministry of motherhood, through examples like Eve, Sarah, Hannah, Deborah, Ruth, Mary etc. — women willing to serve God for His Glory.

I wholeheartedly believe God wants to use the women in our Church that choose to rise; women who will respond to God’s calling and bind it to the gifts and talents He has given them. I am praying with great expectation for this to become a reality because when a woman rises and takes her position, she activates the people around her. This includes her husband, her children, and the Church.

This week, the focus of our prayers will be toward those that were saved via the Nicky Cruz event. Let us pray that God will glorify Himself in their lives through Nicky’s testimony and the women of our Church.



Let us begin the week by praying for all the women in our lives: family, friends, etc.… We pray that God will either begin or continue to use them for His glory.



It is important that we continue to pray for our financial health. Let us continue to pray for our financial health individually, as families, and as a Church. Pray that God prosper the Church for His glory.



Today, let us continue praying for the salvation of our family members. Let us pray that the family members who attended the Nicky Cruz event would be saved.



We should pray that God motivates the members of our Church to follow up with people who attended the Nicky Cruz event. Let us pray for the newly saved and that new relationships would be made in the Church. Ask God to use us to disciple the new believers.



Let us continue to pray for all of the leaders of our Church. In particular, let us ask God to help us develop and establish new leaders – especially women. Let us pray that leaders would rise up from among the women of our Church.



Another area to continue interceding is for our co-workers and or classmates. More specifically, let us pray that they may see the power of God working in our lives. It helps to pray out loud, speaking the names of the persons you want God to reach.


Lost Souls

Finally, let us focus on praying for those that do not know the Lord and will be attending our Church on Sunday. Let us pray that their souls will be saved, according to the Will of God.

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